Pre collision system is the extra safety feature in Toyota automobiles to detect the presence of nearby road obstacles and other vehicles and decreases the risk of collisions. In addition, it reduces the speed after detecting these objects and prevents collisions.
Pre collision system malfunctions in Toyota cars due to rain, fog, accumulation of dust on its radar sensors, excessive light, adding an aftermarket grille, lift kit, bigger tires, and outdated software. The bugs in the sensors, damaged wires, blown out fuse, tinted car windows, faulty airbag sensors, and incorrect installation of tow hitch also cause this issue.
It is the best feature for distracted drivers, and you should keep them clean for safe driving on the road. You must drive carefully on the road if the pre collision system becomes faulty and does not work due to errors in its software.
Rainy and Foggy weather
The radar sensors of the pre-collision system are present behind the front grill of the bumper. Exposure to rainwater, mud, and snow affects its performance, and it will not work efficiently.
Most people face the recognition issue during winter because of heavy fog. The radar cannot identify the nearby hurdles or vehicles due to less visibility in heavy fog.
You need special care and attention during driving to decrease accidents.
The failure of the pre-collision system is problematic for distracted drivers and puts their lives in danger. In addition, driving in heavy rain also produce problem with these sensors.
The accumulation of water makes its internal components humid, giving false signals. As a result, it does not identify the objects correctly and gives a false alarm on your screen.
You can see the warning light on your screen when nothing is on your side. Moreover, the accumulation of fog and snow during the winter also obstructs their functioning.
These sensors are on the side and are more exposed to rainwater and snow. The problem most prominently comes when you park your cars outside in cold weather.
Driving on roads with snow also causes failure. Therefore, you should regularly maintain them for safe and secure driving on the road.
Different moisture repellent sprays are available in the market, which is helpful to keep the moisture away.
You can spray the moisture on the sensors to protect them from moisture and humidity. In addition, you should not coat them with silica wax and silica gel because it can cause obstruction.
Sensors covered with dirt
These are present on the outer side of the vehicles and are more exposed to dust and dirt from the road.
The dust comes on them from the wheels during driving on dusty roads. Many people have to cross these roads to reach their homes or offices.
Driving on muddy roads also causes mud splashes to come on its surface. The pre collision system fails to work when radar sensors are covered with dust.
In addition, the issue also comes when your park your car outside and without covers. It cannot correctly sense the hurdles and nearby automobiles when it is covered with dust or mud splashes.
These types of roads are uneven and are covered with dust and dirt.
The dust comes on all the parts, including sensors, when you drive on these roads. You face the issue when you do not clean them after coming back to your home.
You should use a clean and soft cloth to remove the dust and dirt from their glass surface. However, it is necessary to take care during the cleaning process that the cloth cannot produce scratches on its glass material.
Moreover, washing the cars after returning home with pressure water to remove dust from the tires and other parts is also better.
Interruption due to sunlight
Many people also complain that the pre-collision system gives a false warning when you drive your car during the day.
Exposure to sunlight and extreme light during the day produces an error. This is because the system wrongly predicts the flash of sunlight or daylight.
The radar sensors sense the sunlight as the light of the incoming vehicles and show the warning sign on the screen.
The faulty system also confuses the drivers, and they suddenly apply brakes to reduce the speed, damaging and risky for the drivers and passengers.
The problem is common in the daytime and on extremely sunny days when sunlight is strong and affects their functioning.
You can fix this minor issue by disconnecting the battery for several minutes and attaching it again to remove the errors that are causing malfunctioning.
The system automatically resets when disconnecting the battery and cutting off the power supply. You should also avoid driving in extreme lighting conditions to reduce the risk of adverse damage.
Bugs in sensors
The bugs or small insects in the sensors also obstruct their functioning, and they cannot provide the data to the pre-collision system.
The bugs enter these when you park your Toyota cars under the trees.
The problem also comes when you live in an area where bugs are more prominent and present in an abundant number.
Regular maintenance and cleaning are necessary for this situation to improve its functioning. You can use different insect removal sprays to keep the insects away from the front grille.
Moreover, a quick way to clean the bugs is a car wash, which can remove all small insects.
Damaged wires and blown-out fuse
The radar sensors are connected with the pre-collision onboard system through several wires. The failure also occurs due to faulty or frayed wirings.
The wires are exposed to wear and tear due to aging and regular use. Moreover, car rodents also affect the electrical system and wiring.
The rodents bite the wires and produce wear and tear in them. In addition, these rodents chew the wires of the electrical system and make them faulty.
Moreover, the blown-out fuse due to a surge in electricity supply is also problematic. Therefore, you should open the hood and check the fuse of the pre-collision system.
Call a mechanic to replace the blown-out fuse with a new one. Removing the damaged or frayed wires and replacing them with new cables for appropriate current flow is also necessary.
Incorrect installation of tow hitch
Many people install a tow hitch on the rear side of their cars to tow the trailers or other towing vehicles. The location of these tow hitch matters significantly because of the presence of radar sensors on the rear side of your car.
In some models of the Toyota, these are located on the backside. The incorrect installation of the tow hitch obstructs the functioning of this device.
It can blur their vision when you place them at the wrong angle. In addition, they cannot detect the presence of road hurdles and nearby objects due to the poor installation of two hitch.
In addition, it is also better to call an experienced mechanic for their accurate installation at the right place.
Tinted car windows
Many people tint the windshield of their cars for privacy and to keep the interior cool. These tints are available in different materials, including metallic and ceramic.
Many people try to use metallic tints on windows for protection from UV rays. The metallic tint is problematic, and it can cause malfunctioning of radar sensors.
The ceramic types and dyed window tints do not affect the performance of radars, while the metal layers can cause an error and false detection of objects.
You should remove the metal layer from the windshield if it is showing a false warning on your dashboard screen.
It is better to install ceramic-type window tints because these are a reliable option.
Faulty airbag sensors
The air sensor bags are also located on the front side of your car to protect the drivers from collisions.
They cause errors in the functioning of the radar and pre-collision system. It cannot detect the objects in its surroundings correctly because of errors in airbags.
The issue can increase the risk of accidents because distracted drivers do not carefully see their surroundings while driving.
Problem with software
The software and hardware in these systems collect and interpret data from the sensors.
This software becomes outdated with time, and you have to keep them updated for better working on this safety feature.
The software becomes less accurate when you add the front grille as an aftermarket addition. The inappropriate installation and the aftermarket addition of the grille decrease the efficacy.
The outdated software is less accurate and provides unreliable data. Therefore, you should check the software’s updates to increase its efficiency and efficiency.
You should take your Toyota to the dealerships for software updates.
Damaged radar sensor
These also get damaged while driving on poor and uneven roads. In addition, the small stones from the roads during driving on uneven roads can cause damage.
The scratches are also produced due to poor cleaning procedures or when you use a harsh cloth to remove the dust from them.
The damage occurs when harsh particles hit their surface, producing wear and tear. You should take your Toyota car to the authorized mechanics for repair.
These parts are not repairable, and you have to change them for a better and safe driving experience.
Use of lift kits
Many people install lift kits in their automobiles to increase ground clearance and improve them for towing purposes.
These are beneficial to provide smooth driving when you tow something with your car, but they can affect the functioning of radar sensors.
The installation of lift kits also causes malfunctioning of the pre-collision system in Toyota cars.
Maintaining the correct angle with the road and forward objects is challenging. The same issue comes when you install large, customized wheels for a better driving experience.
You should check the appropriate position of sensors before installing these aftermarket parts. Readjust these parts after installing the lift kit in your cars for better detection.
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